Following the appointment; your tattoo artist will bandage your fresh tattoo; we suggest you leave the bandage on for 5-7 days. (For those with allergies to adhesives, please inform your artist directly)

When we wrap your tattoo, these bandages are water resistant yet breathable to ensure that the skin receives the airflow it needs to heal, while remaining protected. 

Once ready to remove the bandage, wash around the area prior. Begin by lifting the edge of the bandage and let the warm water assist in the release of the adhesive. It can be tricky and sticky, so take your time. 

Now that the adhesive bandage is removed, clean the area with non-scented soap, gently pat with clean paper towel and allow the area to air dry. We recommend washing your new tattoo twice a day. 

Do NOT re-bandage!

After the bandage is off, you can begin to apply a thin layer of unscented lotion or hustle butter (we sell here at the shop). 

With clean hands apply the unscented lotion or hustle butter as needed.

Do not over moisturize! This may cause the top layer of the skin to fall off to early resulting in a longer healing time and ink loss. It is important to let the area become dry in between washes and lotions. A flakey tattoo is a healthy tattoo!

Avoid excessive sweating or heavy exercise for 2-3 days. 

Avoid hot tubs, chlorine, direct sunlight, tanning beds, and soaking in unfiltered bodies of water for 4-6 weeks. 


It should heal between 2 - 4 weeks

Should you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to reach out directly!

Call us at 778-471-1733